Investment Plans

Investment plans for new clients Investment plans for new clients

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We work with e-currencies We work with e-currencies

Fast and secure transactions
How can I make my first investment?
First of all, you need to register a new account, click the "Make a Deposit" button in the "Financial Operations" section, enter the amount, select the payment system and click "Confirm" button.

If you make a deposit through Perfect Money or Payeer, your deposit will be added instantly. If you made a deposit through Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, it will be added after the transaction is confirmed (with at least 3 confirmations). This process can take 20 minutes or more.
How long will my investments be active and bring me income?
We offer unlimited investment plans, which means you'll receive income all the time while the company is doing our business. You can use the profit calculator on the main page to calculate daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly profit.
How much investment can I make in a day or a month?
You can make as many investments as you want. We don't have such restrictions.
Do you charge any fee for providing your investment services?
No, we don't charge any fees. The profit we receive from our overall investments is enough for us. We don't need to charge any fees for transactions, however, payment processors may charge you with receiving fees, and we have no control over that.
Can I get back my initial deposit?
No, your initial deposit is included in daily earnings and is not refundable.
When will the first daily earnings be added to my account?
The first daily earnings will be added within the following 25 hours after you've invested.
Can I make a direct deposit from my account balance?
Yes, you can reinvest the balance if the amount is greater than or equal to our minimum deposit: $25. To make a deposit from your account balance, simply login to your account, click the "MAKE A DEPOSIT" button and select "MAKE A DEPOSIT FROM THE ACCOUNT BALANCE". We offer more favorable investment conditions for our regular users.
What payment methods can I use to fund my account?
We operate with cryptocurrencies Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin and payment systems Perfect Money and Payeer. You can find out where to buy cryptocurrency on this page.
I want to invest in Starmoe Logistics Ltd, but I don't have any e-currency account. What should I do?
You can open a free Bitcoin account here:
You can open a free Ethereum account here:
You can open a free Litecoin account here:
You can open a free Perfect Money account here:
You can open a free Payeer account here:
What rate do you use to convert Bitcoin/Ethereum/Litecoin in USD?
All cryptocurrency transactions are converted at a fixed rate of $10,000 per Bitcoin, $280 per Ethereum, $80 per Litecoin due to the high volatility of cryptocurrencies. This measure guarantees our clients a uniform daily profit and allows the company's managers to better plan and implement financial policies. At a fixed rate, it doesn't matter whether the price of cryptocurrency rises or falls. You'll receive the same amount of cryptocurrency that you should receive based on the deposit interest rate.

For example, if you invest 1 BTC in the plan "7% DAILY FOREVER", you'll receive exactly 0.07 BTC every day, and you'll not depend on the Bitcoin price.
Do you accept deposits from Ethereum contract addresses?
We don't accept deposits from Ethereum contract addresses. If you send such payment, it won't be processed. You need to send ETH funds in traditional transactions. Don't use Wirex, Cryptopay or to send ETH funds to our Ethereum addresses, please use any of the recommended Ethereum wallets.
My deposit doesn't appear in the list of active deposits in my account. What should I do?
If you made a payment using Perfect Money or Payeer and it didn't appear in your account within 15 minutes, please contact our support team with the following data: username, payment method used and transaction batch number.

If you made a payment using Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and your transaction have at least 6 confirmations, please provide the following data: username, transaction ID and time, amount in USD and BTC/ETH/LTC.
I haven't received my daily earnings. What should I do now?
Each deposit is processed separately. You receive earnings for each deposit 24 hours after investing. Please wait 25 hours and check your "Financial History". If your transaction won't be added, please contact us through support form or email and provide details of your deposit.
Is daily profit paid directly to my currency account?
No, profits are gathered on your account balance and you can withdraw or reinvest it anytime.
What is the minimum and maximum withdrawal amount?
The minimum withdrawal amount is $12 for Bitcoin cryptocurrency, $6 for Ethereum and Litecoin cryptocurrencies, $2 for Perfect Money and Payeer payment systems. There is no maximum limit.
How often can I withdraw funds from my account balance?
You can withdraw money from your account balance at any time and from any device without restrictions. All withdrawals are processed instantly.
Do you charge a withdrawal fee?
No, we don't charge any fees. The profit we receive from our overall investments is enough for us. We don't need to charge any fees for transactions, however, payment processors may charge you with receiving fees, and we have no control over that.
How can I withdraw funds?
Log in to your account using your username and password, click the "Withdraw Funds" button in the "Financial Operations" section, select the payment system, enter your amount and click the "Confirm" and "Withdraw" buttons.
After I make a withdrawal request, when will the funds be available in my e-currency account?
The system works in automatic mode, which means that you are paid immediately after creating the request. Sometimes there may be delays in processing payments up to 48 hours. Please remember that cryptocurrency withdrawals may not appear in your wallet instantly.
What rate do you use to convert USD in Bitcoin/Ethereum/Litecoin?
All cryptocurrency transactions are converted at a fixed rate of $10,000 per Bitcoin, $280 per Ethereum, $80 per Litecoin due to the high volatility of cryptocurrencies. This measure guarantees our clients a uniform daily profit and allows the company's managers to better plan and implement financial policies. At a fixed rate, it doesn't matter whether the price of cryptocurrency rises or falls. You'll receive the same amount of cryptocurrency that you should receive based on the deposit interest rate.

For example, if you invest 1 BTC in the plan "7% DAILY FOREVER", you'll receive exactly 0.07 BTC every day, and you'll not depend on the Bitcoin price.
Can I invest through one payment method and withdraw to another?
No, you can withdraw money only through the payment method with which you invested.

For example, if you invest through Bitcoin, you can withdraw only through Bitcoin. Also, if you receive an affiliate commission through Ethereum, you can withdraw it in the same e-currency.
How can I change my payment wallets?
You can't change your payment wallets because this function is disabled for security reasons. To make such changes, you must contact us through the support form and provide your secret question/answer and new payment wallets.

Starmoe Logistics Ltd

Total invested
Last deposit
Vip investors
Total clients
Jul 17, 2017
Working since
Mar 13, 2025
Last update
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